Wholesale chemical reagents – online shop bm-chemistry.com.pl is a place for both professionals and chemistry enthusiasts.
Check out our offer.
Chemical reagents – chemical wholesaler, distributor
Welcome to the website of BM-chemistry.com.pl. Wholesale of chemical reagents offers high quality chemicals. We also offer industry related services tailored to individual customer needs. The offered products are addressed to various groups of customers.
We cooperate with:
We provide easy and convenient access to a wide range of products related to chemistry.
We cooperate with scientists. Thus, we contribute to the development of science by providing the highest quality chemical reagents as an online shop. We regularly supplement our product portfolio.
Thanks to this, our chemical wholesale store provides comprehensive laboratory equipment. All the substances they need come from reputable manufacturers.
Chemical reagents – online shop
Our online chemical wholesale store offers, amongst others:
These are products of various purity classes, in accordance with the classification in force in Poland. Each of them is accompanied by a safety data sheet. The online chemistry shop offers products from recognized manufacturers from all over the world.
Our offer is addressed to various industries – from pharmacy, laboratories and hospitals, through industry, to schools and universities, including private individuals. We guarantee professional service, consultations in purchases.
Are you passionate about chemistry? Are you looking for chemical reagents of the highest quality? You have come to the right place. Our online chemistry shop is the place for you
Our offer is also directed to private persons. We also supply individual farmers who are looking for a trusted distributor of chemical reagents – both organic and inorganic. The BM-chemistry.com.pl chemistry online shop supplies chemistry enthusiasts and scientists who also conduct research in their home laboratories.
Attention! Before using a given product, we recommend reading the substance characteristics. Before purchase – with description and specification of the product. It is very important from the point of view of proper and safe handling of chemical substances.
We encourage you to contact our consultants by phone or e-mail. We will be happy to answer any questions concerning the reagents offered by BM- chemistry wholesale.
Are you a scientist, laboratory worker, representative of public institutions or a chemistry enthusiast? We have everything you need for your work. Feel free to place your orders!